Saturday, August 21, 2010

STEP FORWARDS ... from "behind" the crowd!

Paul the Apostle was committed to the spiritual growth of the Romans. This is clear in chapter one (1:) and v. 17 where Paul - under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit- shares the central truth of man's salvation - that: “The Just shall live by Faith!”

So many try to "go forward" in their spiritual life from "behind," or, in other words, from a position of Biblical ignorance and spiritual confusion. Many just attempt to force their way “Forward” and break through the crowd - all in their own spiritual strength! This attempt to make progress while remaining and struggling at the back of the crowd, is a most misguided effort for achieving spiritual life and walk! It is naive to attemt "going Forward" without identifying one's need for a genuine and personal relationship with (or 'alongside') the Lord. We simply cannot stay at he back of the crowd and be "walking with" God!

To get us out of the back we need to take some "first steps" 'steps that result from being convicted of our need and Christ's righteousness and the reality of judgment. The Gospel message offers those truths through the Scriptures: you should read and consider carefully: Romans 1:18-20; 2:14-16; 3:23, 5:1; 6:23; 10:9-11 to identify your situation and the importance of a personal relationship with God based on the confession of our sinful nature and our call to God for forgiveness and a new life in Christ.

Those of us who are 'evangelists' or 'Church Planter’s' are naturally focused on seeing that these “first steps” or Foundational Truths receive their due attention. Here are a few of those thoughts ....

The Reformation’s message of:
-- Christ, alone;
-- God’s Word, alone;
-- Grace, alone; and
-- Faith, alone
... is a most vital message! The reality of this need is especially true for people coming from backgrounds where they were trusting in:
-- their “Church, alone;” or
-- their “Culture or Tradition, alone” or
-- their “Good Works, alone," or possibly even ...
-- their efforts at keeping the "Ten Commandments, alone"... or
-- their “Sacramental" experiences - such as Baptism, or even their emotions, alone!”

There are any number of outstanding reference works that will assist you in the study of this passage. I especially recommend H.A. Ironside’s Lectures in Romans as a straight forward beginning point. Stiffler, James A., The Epistle to the Romans, Moody Press, 1960 is another great read for obtaining an overview of the Apostle’s inspired letter. More important, though, is your own reading of Romans from verse 1 in chapter One to verse 27 in chapter Sixteen. Study to show yourself approved of God...

Step out from behind the crowd... even the church with its traditions and your efforts at 'good works' or possibly your efforts at keeping the Ten Commandments AND step FORWARDS.

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