The following Biblical truths have been worded in modern terms or ways, but no restructuring of language can replace our need to simply obey God and His Word. Do not deceive or delude yourself into a belief that somehow the use of a more practical sounding language can produce or motivate God honouring living..
1. Living in a more “knowing way” in your marriage partnership. 1 Per 3:1-11
2. Parenting as training and prioritising for Christilike Character Mt.18; Heb 12; Eph. 6; Phil 2.
3. Submitting to the control of the Spirit and to the Word of God. Eph 5:
4. The family as a Christian character motivated serving-team. 1 Cor. 4:
5. Understanding the local New Testament Church and your family. Eph. 4
1. Living in a more “knowing way” in your marriage partnership. Giving a greater commitment to listening for greater innovation. Constantly
improve and enhance your partnership relationship. 1 Peter 3:1-11
2. Parenting as training and prioritising for Christilike Character:
Parenting is our giving individual and ‘quality time’ dedicated to the training of each member of the family. The purpose of Christian child training is to better equip each family member for greater service to God and others to the glory of God.
Parenting is God’s plan and thus God’ s will for humanity. As a part of God’s common grace to His creation the leadership, responsibility and selfless love of a parent is the expected norm for all families, Christian or non-christian alike. Due to the failures and failings of a sinful and fallen human nature parenting is greatly ‘challenged’ and compared to Christlike and Biblical standards only a shadow of its potential.
1. Christian parenting is fellowship, caring, friendship and a most practical training. All of these aspects of Biblical parenting are committed to living life and growing in the grace and knowledge of God through relationships that glorify God and look to God’s Word as the absolute standard. Christian parenting is fellowship, fellowship, that is, in fact - “in the light.” 1 John 1: Where our fellowship is other than in the light, it is in darkness. We live in a world that wants “the best of both worlds.” The Christian life is a life yielded and committed to Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord. A Christian is one who has accepted Jesus Christ as his or her personal Saviour and Lord. To accept the Lord means to believe in God’s offer of forgiveness and reconciliation through the saving and keeping work of Jesus Christ. As the crucified, resurrected and mediating Saviour of mankind our Lord brings us into a relationship of light that walks in the light of truth and righteousness.
For a home to be a truly Christian home it must be a home where those who live in that home have accepted Christ as their Savior and Lord, but a Christian homelife is a life and lifestyle fellowshipping and modeled around Christ’s own life and teachings and based on the truth of God's Special Revelation the Holy Bible.
Christian parenting is caring, 1 Thess. 2: Caring means providing the security that a child needs to happily function in this world. Such security is a recognised central need of all mankind and should certainly be a priority of parenting. To care -- or to demonstrate our love -- is to do that which is right and truly good for another. To care as a Christian parent or in other words to show our love to our children speaks of directing, guiding and leading them toward a self-discipline and respect for God, His Word and His lifestyle of selflessness. When we give-in to the child, show a passive reaction to their disobedience or otherwise ‘spoil’ the child by ignoring their whinning, crying, or tantrums, we add to the child’s sense of confusion and insecurity.
Parenting is friendship. John 15: Christ taught us that His Friendship is based on shared information, or in other words, based on good communication. When the home is a place where the free-flow of Biblical information is important, Christlike friendship is a result. Good communication should without doubt be honest,current and open. Where these principles are practiced as a part of normal homelife, the home will be a friendly place of growing friendships!
If on the other hand we tend to ignore or treat children in a patronising way they will naturally attempt to get our attention back. Children not being led toward open and honest relationships and friendships will turn to rebellious means – in fact they will turn to any number of stubborn or anti-social means to achieve their goal. Such will look like they need some sort of punishement but in reality they need the leadership and friendship of parents prepared to establish just rules and consistent supervision. Parental supervision is truly important so our children know the truth, the parent’s thinking, and the direction they need to take. Then they know they are truly loved – i.e. cared for – guided – supervised
The practical training aspects of parenting are detailed and daily. The purpose of this practical commitment to training centres around step by step character building.Such a process is admitedly slow and long-term in nature. Biblical child training stands on the foundation of the parent’s commitment to teach and demonstrate both the active and passive (or direct and indirect) truth and principles of of living life. Eph. 6:1-4.
Modelling a Christilike consistency. Christian parenting is also dependent on a readiness or true willingness to deal in detail and with careful consistency with the positive and negative needs, issues and problems of a child or youth’s life. In Matthew eighteen Jesus teaches the three stages of care, reconciliation, and corrective-discipline.
For the Christian family these three stages or steps, though given for the Christian within a local church situation, may also be applied to demonstrate genuine care, consistent teaching and corrective-discipline within the family circle..
First, genuine care: when a problem or an apparent problem is noticed the individual parent observing the problem goes personally to discuss the questionable act or attitude privately with the child. The purpose of this meeting is to clarify if a problem exists and to ask the errant child to stop and/or to change their direction.
If the problem is not resolved, i.e. the child does not listen; then ...
the second step, consistent teaching: calls responsible parents to meet and discuss the problem issue and the approach they believe to be a Biblical one. The parents determine which one will teach and warn the child of the seriousness of the problem. The parents must be able to point to their own lives as a model of the Biblical truth under discussion. The parents meet with the child and explain God’s standpoint from the Bible. The errant child should also be given the benefit of understanding why his or her actions lead to dangerous ramifications, side effects and to a potential necessity for discipline. The type and nature of the discipline should be fully explained.
The third step is discipline and is required if there is no resolution of the problem or willingness to undue the habit. Then, discipline is applied –just as
promised during the teaching in the second step. Further warnings are not helpful and threatenings are simply unChristlike. Mt. 18:15-20.
Fixing our eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 12:1-13 points to Christian priorities that need to be born from Christ’s own example and assessed and updated on the basis of His Divine teaching. Self-discipline and commitment to the high ideals of righteousness are ‘part and parcel’ of a life that has set their eyes on Jesus as their example and motivation!
Service to others. Philippians 2:1-9 provides the Christian and the dedicated Christian family with a view of “others orientation”
that is a central or over-ridding principle. Attention to others – to individuals - as paramount! Planning how our family could serve others more effectively.
Submitting ourselves to the control of the Spirit of God by increasingly studying and and obeying the Word of God. Ephesians 5:1-12
Confessing a belief in the theory,philosophy and words related to Christianity can never replace a simple obediance and submission to God. Our need to serve others and to submit to other Christians is also an issue deserving our genuine effort and attention. So many today are under the influence of pluralism, hedonistic social norms, and now post-modern philosophy. These influences have now conviced so many that their own interpretation (hermeneutic) of life’s meanings can guide them through the maze of contemporary “hype” and confused opinions. In is setting it is so very important that we become aware of our own perceived abilities and capabilities.Then we must beware trusting in the “flesh”i.e. the confidence in human thought, logic and ability.
God’s own Special Revelation – the Word of God – stands alone in its life- changing ability. Unless the Word of God and the Spirit of God are given their rightful and due authority in our thinking and in influencing our actions we are already in much deeper trouble than we may know. We must come to a place where we are truly allowing the Word of God to direct us individually and where it guides our prayer, our worship, our service and our reltionships.
3. The family as a Christian ‘character motivated’ serving-team.
1 Cor. 4: points us to the faithfulness called for in Christian stewardship Few families appreciate the family-unit holds the basis for properly responding to the chaotic and pressurized demands of living in a post-modern out-of- control world. As a Christlike character motivated serving-team the family- unit must develop a responsive ability to deal with the world’s major
confusion over values and truth. The family as a unit must be “mobile” enough to manouver and effectively engage itself with other families who are rushing through life at an amazing and outrageous pace.
Serving God by serving people to the glory of God has always been essential to true Christian living and growth, but with today’s world-wide focus on self-centredness, our serving others is an absolute essential to our own spiritual survival. Without a servant-focus the family will itself become self- centred and spiritually inefficient. In time, such ill-disciplined families become “victims” to their own search for “strong” self-images, and self- orientation.
A servant-team must appreciate the importance of being focused or in other words of working as a small, tight or compact team. Our families need to double their efforts to understand and develop the methods of being a servant team or, a learning-service team. Learning to serve effectively in today’s world is a goal with real and Biblical value. Understanding this “role” is ‘strategic’ to the Christian family that wants to be effective in the 21st Century. Understanding the problems of inward versus outward orientation needs to be regularly discussed. Talents need to be viewed on the basis of such Christian values and purposes as serving God, edifying the brethren, and witnessing to the lost.
4. Respecting the need for individuals to take spontaneous initiative.
To “love” is to be committed to another individual. To love is to truly care about and care for the things (The genuine needs) of another. To love is to prefer another over myself. Specifically to love Biblically is to love God first and foremost, then to love His Word and then others (the lovely and unlovely). Love speaks of giving increased attention, concern, and time to the good of another!
Loving God is not a natural state of sinful mankind. Love for God is a result of God’s invasive and interventionist Grace which is made available to all by their obediance through faith in Christ as God and through Christ’s saving work. God’s gift of salvation culminates in our enjoying a permanently restored fellowship with God. God’s providential activities on the behalf of His own will accomplishes more in our individual lives than we could ever perceive or sense.
Together with our redemption in and through Christ’s Divine ministry, we are further blessed with the Holy Spirit as a seal of our salvation. One of the most important promises and blessings connected with the New Covenant is that of the Spirit of God not only regenerating us but His actual indwelling of the believer. As a result of God’s love for us we can find the gracious inablement to love others. It is through the indwelling of the Spirit that we are blessed by God to produce “fruit” accomplished by the Holy Spirit’s inner working in our lives. The Holy Spirit works in our lives primarily through the agency of the Word of God. By the Spirit, then, we are brought into an increased conformity to the image of Christ. As we increasingly yield to the Holy Spirit’s control over our actions and the Word of God’s claim over our thoughts and choices we increasingly walk a life separated to God and to doing His will. Love for God and others is the result of this progressive growth in the Grace and knowledge of the Lord.
To truly love is, then, to care enough to give careful thought to our actions and decisions. Within the bounds of reality and practicality one who loves will make every effort to manage the use of their time in an orderly and effective way. The marriage and family truly committed to Christ will increasingly commit themselves to use their time in an effective way for God and others.
A Christian form of personal and family management takes special care to consider the Scriptures teaching regarding our moral, ethical and spiritual responsibilities and limitations. Thinking Biblically, and thus responsibly, includes one having a basic commitment to regular long-term and medium- term planning and it includes managing the short-term use of our time as well. Thinking Biblically out of love leads to thinking responsibly, but this type of thought includes the elements of faith, and hope that is clearly tentative in the sense that it is conditioned on the providential will of God. If one is given tomorrow, given life and blessed by God to do this or that then one plans, prepares and even trains to do this and that – God willing.
To be able to pro-actively think, serve or care for other’s needs, we must have available useable time. Time needs to be understood in terms of our personal choices as these choices are compartmentalised into “bytes,” minutes, moments, ‘blocks’ or even as specific appointments. Time is more “than money” it is life lived and through Christ, and as such time has real and true eternal value. 2 Cor. 5.
5. Understanding the local New Testament Church and your family.
The role of the New Testament church has generally been understood as
1st. a gathering or fellowship focused around corporate worship of the only true and living God: prayers, singing and declaration of God’s Word;
2nd. an assembly of those of like faith and practice given to the care and edification of one another through the teaching, discipleship and discipline around God‘s Word;
3rd. a mission-driven body of believers committed to witnessing to a lost, wicked and confused world of the saving and changing Grace of God available by Faith in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 3 and4 underscores these basic elements. To understand the practical outworking of the church’s ministry and methodology one needs to look at the teamwork focus and activity of Christian couples, households, and special cooperative teams.
First Thessalonians 2:7,11, with Paul’s references to his methodology of care as like that of a family, opens our thoughts to the potentiality of Christian families operating as spiritual units or teams within the greater ministry of the local church, 1 Cor. 16:15.
What we now refer to as “learning teams” or teams committed to [a.] real personal change, [b.] real spiritual growth, and [c.] shared service to the believers and the Gospel (Romans 16:1-15), were an essential part of the early church. Individual and team vision building, i.e. that is a “vision shared” or partnered with other Christians (1 Cor. 16:10, 16-17,19) and “modeled” or tested by others within the local church, were important elements of Christian action. Maintaining a sense of urgency – (Colossians 4:2-17) by a genuine commitment to Biblical integrity and truth was also an essential to these early Gospel teams..
Using Christlike character amidst a chaotic world is not an option but a necessity for those who follow Christ Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. By applying the truths of Christianity in an uncertain society the tension necessary for building God glorifying character traits results. Our lives and acts, together with our thoughts depend on the strengths or grace we call Christian character. The development of this Christlike character is essential for every individual believer, every Christian family and every member serving with others in a local church.
The following Biblical truths have been worded in modern terms or ways, but no restructuring of language can replace our need to simply obey God and His Word. Do not deceive or delude yourself into a belief that somehow the use of a more practical sounding language can produce or motivate God honouring living..
Living in a more “knowing way” in your marriage partnership. 1 Per 3:1-11
Parenting as training and prioritising for Christilike Character Mt. 18; Heb 12; Eph. 6; Phil 2.
Submitting to the control of the Spirit and to the Word of God. Eph 5: The family as a Christian character motivated serving-team. 1 Cor. 4: Understanding the local New Testament Church and your family. Eph. 4
Living in a more “knowing way” in your marriage partnership. Giving a greater commitment to listening for greater innovation. Constantly improve and enhance your partnership relationship. 1 Peter 3:1-11
2. Parenting as training and prioritising for Christilike Character:
Parenting is our giving individual and ‘quality time’ dedicated to the training of each member of the family. The purpose of Christian child training is to better equip each family member for greater service to God and others to the glory of God.
Parenting is God’s plan and thus God’ s will for humanity. As a part of God’s common grace to His creation the leadership, responsibility and selfless love of a parent is the expected norm for all families, Christian or non-christian alike. Due to the failures and failings of a sinful and fallen human nature parenting is greatly ‘challenged’ and compared to Christlike and Biblical standards only a shadow of its potential.
1. Christian parenting is fellowship, caring, friendship and a most practical training. All of these aspects of Biblical parenting are committed to living life and growing in the grace and knowledge of God through relationships that glorify God and look to God’s Word as the absolute standard.
Christian parenting is fellowship, fellowship, that is, in fact - “in the light.” 1 John 1: Where our fellowship is other than in the light, it is in darkness. We live in a world that wants “the best of both worlds.” The Christian life is a life yielded and committed to Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord. A Christian is one who has accepted Jesus Christ as his or her personal Saviour and Lord. To accept the Lord means to believe in God’s offer of forgiveness and reconciliation through the saving and keeping work of Jesus Christ. As the crucified, resurrected and mediating Saviour of mankind our Lord brings us into a relationship of light that walks in the light of truth and righteousness.
For a home to be a truly Christian home it must be a home where those who live in that home have accepted Christ as their Savior and Lord, but a Christian homelife is a life and lifestyle fellowshipping and modeled around Christ’s own life and teachings and based on the truth of God;s Special Revelation the Holy Bible.
Christian parenting is caring, 1 Thess. 2: Caring means providing the security that a child needs to happily function in this world. Such security is a recognised central need of all mankind and should certainly be a priority of parenting. To care -- or to demonstrate our love -- is to do that which is right and truly good for another. To care as a Christian parent or in other words to show our love to our children speaks of directing, guiding and leading them toward a self-discipline and respect for God, His Word and His lifestyle of selflessness. When we give-in to the child, show a passive reaction to their disobedience or otherwise ‘spoil’ the child by ignoring their whinning, crying, or tantrums, we add to the child’s sense of confusion and insecurity.
Parenting is friendship. John 15: Christ taught us that His Friendship is based on shared information, or in other words, based on good communication. When the home is a place where the free-flow of Biblical information is important, Christlike friendship is a result. Good communication should without doubt be honest, current and open. Where these principles are practiced as a part of normal homelife, the home will be a friendly place of growing friendships!
If on the other hand we tend to ignore or treat children in a patronising way they will naturally attempt to get our attention back. Children not being led toward open and honest relationships and friendships will turn to rebellious means – in fact they will turn to any number of stubborn or anti-social means to achieve their goal. Such will look like they need some sort of punishement but in reality they need the leadership and friendship of parents prepared to establish just rules and consistent supervision. Parental supervision is truly important so our children know the truth, the parent’s thinking, and the direction they need to take. Then they know they are truly loved – i.e. cared for – guided – supervised
The practical training aspects of parenting are detailed and daily. The purpose of this practical commitment to training centres around step by step character building.Such a process is admitedly slow and long-term in nature. Biblical child training stands on the foundation of the parent’s commitment to teach and demonstrate both the active and passive (or direct and indirect) truth and principles of of living life. Eph. 6:1-4.
Modelling a Christilike consistency. Christian parenting is also dependent on a readiness or true willingness to deal in detail and with careful consistency with the positive and negative needs, issues and problems of a child or youth’s life. In Matthew eighteen Jesus teaches the three stages of care, reconciliation, and corrective-discipline. For the Christian family these three stages or steps, though given for the Christian within a local church situation, may also be applied to demonstrate genuine care, consistent teaching and corrective-discipline within the family circle..
First, genuine care: when a problem or an apparent problem is noticed the individual parent observing the problem goes personally to discuss the questionable act or attitude privately with the child. The purpose of this meeting is to clarify if a problem exists and to ask the errant child to stop and/or to change their direction.
If the problem is not resolved, i.e. the child does not listen; then, the second step, consistent teaching: calls responsible parents to meet and discuss the problem issue and the approach they believe to be a Biblical one. The parents determine which one will teach and warn the child of the seriousness of the problem. The parents must be able to point to their own lives as a model of the Biblical truth under discussion. The parents meet with the child and explain God’s standpoint from the Bible. The errant child should also be given the benefit of understanding why his or her actions lead to dangerous ramifications, side effects and to a potential necessity for discipline. The type and nature of the discipline should be fully explained.
The third step is discipline and is required if there is no resolution of the problem or willingness to undue the habit. Then, discipline is applied –just as
promised during the teaching in the second step. Further warnings are not helpful and threatenings are simply unChristlike. Mt. 18:15-20.
Fixing our eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 12:1-13 points to Christian priorities that need to be born from Christ’s own example and assessed and updated on the basis of His Divine teaching. Self-discipline and commitment to the high ideals of righteousness are ‘part and parcel’ of a life that has set their eyes on Jesus as their example and motivation!
Service to others. Philippians 2:1-9 provides the Christian and the dedicated Christian family with a view of “others orientation” that is a central or over-ridding principle. Attention to others – to individuals - as paramount! Planning how our family could serve others more effectively.
Submitting ourselves to the control of the Spirit of God by increasingly studying and and obeying the Word of God. Ephesians 5:1-12
Confessing a belief in the theory,philosophy and words related to Christianity can never replace a simple obediance and submission to God. Our need to serve others and to submit to other Christians is also an issue deserving our genuine effort and attention. So many today are under the influence of pluralism, hedonistic social norms, and now post-modern philosophy. These influences have now conviced so many that their own interpretation (hermeneutic) of life’s meanings can guide them through the maze of contemporary “hype” and confused opinions. In is setting it is so very important that we become aware of our own perceived abilities and capabilities.Then we must beware trusting in the “flesh”i.e. the confidence in human thought, logic and ability.
God’s own Special Revelation – the Word of God – stands alone in its life- changing ability. Unless the Word of God and the Spirit of God are given their rightful and due authority in our thinking and in influencing our actions we are already in much deeper trouble than we may know. We must come to a place where we are truly allowing the Word of God to direct us individually and where it guides our prayer, our worship, our service and our relationships.
3. The family as a Christian ‘character motivated’ serving-team.
1 Cor. 4: points us to the faithfulness called for in Christian stewardship Few families appreciate the family-unit holds the basis for properly responding to the chaotic and pressurized demands of living in a post-modern out-of- control world. As a Christlike character motivated serving-team the family- unit must develop a responsive ability to deal with the world’s major
confusion over values and truth. The family as a unit must be “mobile” enough to manouver and effectively engage itself with other families who are rushing through life at an amazing and outrageous pace.
Serving God by serving people to the glory of God has always been essential to true Christian living and growth, but with today’s world-wide focus on self-centredness, our serving others is an absolute essential to our own spiritual survival. Without a servant-focus the family will itself become self- centred and spiritually inefficient. In time, such ill-disciplined families become “victims” to their own search for “strong” self-images, and self- orientation.
A servant-team must appreciate the importance of being focused or in other words of working as a small, tight or compact team. Our families need to double their efforts to understand and develop the methods of being a servant team or, a learning-service team. Learning to serve effectively in today’s world is a goal with real and Biblical value. Understanding this “role” is ‘strategic’ to the Christian family that wants to be effective in the 21st Century. Understanding the problems of inward versus outward orientation needs to be regularly discussed. Talents need to be viewed on the basis of such Christian values and purposes as serving God, edifying the brethren, and witnessing to the lost.
4. Respecting the need for individuals to take spontaneous initiative.
To “love” is to be committed to another individual. To love is to truly care about and care for the things (The genuine needs) of another. To love is to prefer another over myself. Specifically to love Biblically is to love God first and foremost, then to love His Word and then others (the lovely and unlovely). Love speaks of giving increased attention, concern, and time to the good of another!
Loving God is not a natural state of sinful mankind. Love for God is a result of God’s invasive and interventionist Grace which is made available to all by their obediance through faith in Christ as God and through Christ’s saving work. God’s gift of salvation culminates in our enjoying a permanently restored fellowship with God. God’s providential activities on the behalf of His own will accomplishes more in our individual lives than we could ever perceive or sense.
Together with our redemption in and through Christ’s Divine ministry, we are further blessed with the Holy Spirit as a seal of our salvation. One of the most important promises and blessings connected with the New Covenant is that of the Spirit of God not only regenerating us but His actual indwelling of the believer. As a result of God’s love for us we can find the gracious
inablement to love others. It is through the indwelling of the Spirit that we are blessed by God to produce “fruit” accomplished by the Holy Spirit’s inner working in our lives. The Holy Spirit works in our lives primarily through the agency of the Word of God. By the Spirit, then, we are brought into an increased conformity to the image of Christ. As we increasingly yield to the Holy Spirit’s control over our actions and the Word of God’s claim over our thoughts and choices we increasingly walk a life separated to God and to doing His will. Love for God and others is the result of this progressive growth in the Grace and knowledge of the Lord.
To truly love is, then, to care enough to give careful thought to our actions and decisions. Within the bounds of reality and practicality one who loves will make every effort to manage the use of their time in an orderly and effective way. The marriage and family truly committed to Christ will increasingly commit themselves to use their time in an effective way for God and others.
A Christian form of personal and family management takes special care to consider the Scriptures teaching regarding our moral, ethical and spiritual responsibilities and limitations. Thinking Biblically, and thus responsibly, includes one having a basic commitment to regular long-term and medium- term planning and it includes managing the short-term use of our time as well. Thinking Biblically out of love leads to thinking responsibly, but this type of thought includes the elements of faith, and hope that is clearly tentative in the sense that it is conditioned on the providential will of God. If one is given tomorrow, given life and blessed by God to do this or that then one plans, prepares and even trains to do this and that – God willing.
To be able to pro-actively think, serve or care for other’s needs, we must have available useable time. Time needs to be understood in terms of our personal choices as these choices are compartmentalised into “bytes,” minutes, moments, ‘blocks’ or even as specific appointments. Time is more “than money” it is life lived and through Christ, and as such time has real and true eternal value. 2 Cor. 5.
5. Understanding the local New Testament Church and your family.
The role of the New Testament church has generally been understood as
1st. a gathering or fellowship focused around corporate worship of the only true and living God: prayers, singing and declaration of God’s Word; 2nd. an assembly of those of like faith and practice given to the care and edification of one another through the teaching, discipleship and discipline around God‘s Word; 3rd. a mission-driven body of believers committed to witnessing to a lost, wicked and confused world of the saving and changing Grace of God available by Faith in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 3 and4 underscores these basic elements. To understand the practical outworking of the church’s ministry and methodology one needs to look at the teamwork focus and activity of Christian couples, households, and special cooperative teams.
First Thessalonians 2:7,11, with Paul’s references to his methodology of care as like that of a family, opens our thoughts to the potentiality of Christian families operating as spiritual units or teams within the greater ministry of the local church, 1 Cor. 16:15.
What we now refer to as “learning teams” or teams committed to [a.] real personal change, [b.] real spiritual growth, and [c.] shared service to the believers and the Gospel (Romans 16:1-15), were an essential part of the early church. Individual and team vision building, i.e. that is a “vision shared” or partnered with other Christians (1 Cor. 16:10, 16-17,19) and “modeled” or tested by others within the local church, were important elements of Christian action. Maintaining a sense of urgency – (Colossians 4:2-17) by a genuine commitment to Biblical integrity and truth was also an essential to these early Gospel teams..