Wednesday, December 18, 2013



Could there be a serious need for congregational and personal prayer for RENEWED leadership that is enabled to set a renewed spiritual pace and to regain our New Testament vision for missionary outreach? 

Allow me to think back a hundred years into the history of the early Evangelical "Fundamentalists" churches. We tend to forget that these churches grew and multiplied around a "missionary based strategy." This missionary strategy, they believed, was founded in (among other texts) those specific Biblical Principles that are found in Philippians 4:14 "Nevertheless, you have done well to share with me in my affliction. 15 You yourselves also know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel, after I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone; 16 for even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs. 17 Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account." 

The key words and central strategic missionary concepts of Philippians 4 follow: 

(1.) One does well to share; 

(2.) Financial dependency or "neediness" of a missionary is a God ordained 'affliction.' This God ordained affliction is meant to be 'healed' (or resolved) by local churches ... through their collective and repetitive financial giving; 

(3.) the focus of giving is not on the gift as much as the opportunity to invest and experience increase to the local church's account. 

In summary, it was believed that churches that supported missionaries would be blessed for first giving themselves to the care of these evangelists or missionary couples. They believed Philippians 4 and 2 Corinthians 8 that their sacrificial giving and their faithful gifts could be used of the Lord like the 'loaves and the fishes' to spread the Gospel.

Seems there is a real need for prayer for our church leaders to 

lead and set the pace and regain the vision. 

Some eighty years ago, worldwide economic depression came , hard times for families resulted and even another World War added to the potential of missionary disruption! Against all these difficulties missionaries continued to be sent forth. After WWII thousands of missionaries - once Allied Soldiers - took up the banner of Worldwide missions in the thousands. Congregations sacrificed for World Missionary Outreach. These Evangelical-Fundamental congregations were convinced that their selflessness along with their personal and collective financial sacrifices were directly linked to their collective spiritual growth and their numerical congregational growth. 

Seems there is a need for prayer for our church leaders to 
lead and set the pace and regain the vision. 

Today, regrettably, financial depression and recession have become the influence to lead many congregations to be fearful. Pastors have often failed to challenge the faithful to greater sacrifice. Pastors have often chosen to sympathise with their brethren by finding logical rationale for cutting back in our giving and many pastors feel they must empathize with those struggling. One wants to understand the situation but more importantly we must stay true to the Word of God not our emotional reactions. The cost is a shrinking church... you would, of course, be understood if you mistook my reference to "shrinking" as a reference to finances and attendance. But forgive me, if I seem arrogant or unfeeling, when I suggest that what is in fact "shrinking" is the spiritual accounts of pastors, local church congregations or in other words their membership.  

It is interesting, that many churches I visit are convinced that they must "cut back" or place their missionary budget in a "holding pattern" (i.e. - or not increasing funding and not adding missionaries). In every one of these churches - where missionary support income is decreasing or where the church budget is losing funds - another parallell reaction is taking place among many church members. 

Church members, (individuals and families), are reacting by independently re-allocating their giving and determinedly supporting missionaries privately. 

Some missionaries simply focus on individuals now that they recognize the church's budget committee and missionary committee are agreed that the only answer is to "cut back" the giving. The collective body of believers - the congregation - looses the blessing promised in Philippians 4:17. Those family units that are replacing the "lost vision" with their own "passion" for supporting those taking the Gospel to the lost world may well experience blessings but it comes at the cost of the congregation. It is clear in the New Testament that the core concept of Christianity is not individuality but congregational unity and cooperation. 

Seems there is a need for prayer for our church leaders to
 lead and set the pace and regain the vision. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Gracious Words ... Spiritual communication!

Sharing Grace. 
A Biblical Counselling Course for Every Christian.
Dr. Marc S. Blackwell, Sr.

Learning to craft your faith in such a way that you can respond, communicate and live-out the life-changing truths of God’s Word as a witness to those around you. Transforming others through a testimony of the transforming power of God's grace is an important part of the Christian life! As we encourage or counsel others to look to God's grace we will see that the Word of God is a powerful tool for shaping, remaking and transforming lives.

Introductory Session No. I.  Considering how “Chara” ~  Joy can be used as a means to Outreach or spiritual counsel. “...Though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him,  you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressable and full of glory.”1 Peter 1:8 (nasv)

Introductory Session No. II.  Considering how “Chairo” ~  Rejoicing can be used to encourage a more effective witness of Christianity and its claims to those around us... at home, work or play. “But to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation.” 1 Peter 4:13

Introductory Session No. III. Considering how “Charis ~  Grace can be used to strengthen others lives through the simple truths we share along with our life-testimony“...Testifying that this is the true grace of God. Stand firm in it.” 1 Peter 5:12

INTRODUCTION: Words of Grace
This course is more of a “workshop” for discussion opportunities than a traditional classroom situation.  We seek to learn together!

Our goal is to learn how we may craft our faith in such a way that we can respond, communicate and live-out the life-changing truths of God’s Word as witnesses to those around us!

 There are three Greek words - all three come from the same language-family - that I hope to use to influence or discussions.

The three words are all found in the First General Letter to the churches by Peter: ‘chara, chiro and charis. The last of these three words is known the best since it is the common Greek word used for our, often used, word … ‘grace.’ If I am not seeing too much in these differences or choices, then, our focus on these aspects of grace can encourage a better witness and a stronger framework from which to offer sound spiritual encouragement or Biblical council.

The emphasis I find in each of these words, at least in this specific context, is:

I. "CHARA" - the communication of spiritual joy {1 Peter 1:8] "And though you have not seen Him, you love Him and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory."

1.) WORDS OF LIFE. Christ's Words do give life, genuine and eternal life! John 6:63; 1 Peter 1:23.
     John 17:13 "But now I come to Thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My JOY made full in themselves." (See also Matthew 4:4)

2.) RELATIONSHIP FORMING. 1 John 1:3-4 with John 15:11 speak clearly and strongly regarding the Lord's message having the power to form New Relationships between us and Him and between or among each believer. These newly created, built and sustained relationships are more than "normal." "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full." John 15:11 (Also see: John 10:10)    

     Consider: Proverbs 22:17-21 with Psalms 17:1-9;  18:17-19  and  James 4:7


II. CHAIRO - the practice of rejoicing under pressure{1 Peter 4:13]

III. CHARIS - the unwavering commitment to testify of God’s grace
{1 Peter 5:12]





The marriage that meets to plan, pray and participate together stays together. The family that thoughtfully serves, shares and in simplicity lives with honestly soars together.

Honest communication with God and one-another leads to a marriage that stays happily together. By meeting to plan (weekly) how to honour God with our collective lives and activities our relationship moves away from the self-centredness (James 3:13-18) that destroys us. 

Couples meeting to pray for the 'grace of life' (1 Pet. 3:1-7) for their relationship (1 Pet. 3:8-12; Heb. 10:23-25) will also recognise the importance of their local church if they are to bless others and grow in unity, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart and a humble mind. We usually know how to play together but we often fail to develop the 'skill sets' required to participate together! 

Regretfully, we as couples, families or churches often marginalize those members of our 'team' that are the "less" talented, but we forget that those less 'gifted' are no less essential for Christian marriages, families and congregations that want to operate as Biblical "informed." (1Cor. 12:1, 11, 12-26). 

The family that thoughtfully serves, shares and in simplicity lives [with honesty] ... soars together.

If your family is thoughtfully committed to love Christ, to obey His Word and to share the message of salvation with others; then, your conscious choice to "abide" in Christ will take your life-walk off (1 Jn 2:5-6; 15-17) of 'the things of the world.' By thoughtful service the care for needy, for physically or emotionally challenged believers we build hearts of selflessness and kindness. 

To share the blessings that God has entrusted to us, we are to share our time, our talents and our tithe or benevolence in a trustworthy way. To accomplish this, we need to see that we are privileged to be "stewards" (1 Cor 4:1-2), or caretakers, of God's blessings. Then, through this "stewardship" of life our marriage and family will grow spiritually and solid Christlike leadership will develop in the husband, wife and children.

To manifest the Truth (2 Cor. 4:1-7) we live-out our lives in simplicity and now through these simple and sincere lives [that are transparent or honest] ... Our faith & trust in Christ's care, results in a unique Christian peace and contentedness (Heb. 13:1-8) and encourages others to trust the Lord. Now, our lives -- so lived, are used of God to make obvious how God's Truth changes, edifies and encourages. Then we all soar to new human, spiritual and individual heights together. 


Once you look-up the Scripture References included in the text above... drop me a line and share your own thoughts, please! Your input will help me with my next blog. 

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  ISRAEL - God’s Vine, Fig Tree and Olive Tree, by John Ecob Planted, and as cedar trees beside the waters” (Num.24:6). The Psalmist describ...